Fuck the system.
God is angry.
They are watching as we destroy all life on the planet they gave us,
As we bomb each other into oblivion,
As we teach each other out of reality,
As we persecute each other simply for existing,
As we shoot each other simply for existing,
As we exist with and in a complete lack of care,
A complete lack of community,
A complete lack of dominion.1
And they are angry.
Twenty One Pilots has a song called “Neon Gravestones.”1 It does link into their DEMA alternate reality game, but that’s not what this article is about. This article is about the underlying commentary the song makes about how our society demonizes old age and glorifies suicide.
The core argument and premise of the song has been interpreted to concern primarily the way that society glorifies suicide, especially through celebrities, but this article will limit its scope to the parts that concern society’s demonization of old age.
Bernie Sanders recently posted a tweet. It read:
When we talk about income and wealth inequality in America today, this is what we’re talking about.
Right now, the two wealthiest people own more wealth than the bottom 40%. Got that? TWO PEOPLE own more wealth than 40% of our people.
Is that remotely acceptable to you?
https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1479586559720673287 🔗The replies were filled with simple, yes or no answers. This is an example of a common problem with modern argumentation, which can be seen from all over the political spectrum.
The motto of this blog is “Fuck the system.” Why? Because, frankly, I’m an extremely cynical person. Then again, who wouldn’t be in a world that’s burning around them? In this article, I’ll explain most of the issues I have with the world as a whole, why we live in a predystopian society, and why we will soon witness systemic collapse.
1. Education 🔗If you’ve read my about page, you know how big of an issue this is for me.