God Is Angry

· 130 words · 1 minute read

God is angry.
They are watching as we destroy all life on the planet they gave us,
As we bomb each other into oblivion,
As we teach each other out of reality,
As we persecute each other simply for existing,
As we shoot each other simply for existing,
As we exist with and in a complete lack of care,
A complete lack of community,
A complete lack of dominion.1
And they are angry.
But they still love us.
Despite all our misgivings,
All our mistakes,
They still love us.
And so, in their company,
I can work for good.

  1. This uses a more Hebrew meaning for “dominion,” where it is less about control and domination over something, and more about caring for and about something, in an almost parental sense. ↩︎